Basic details

Information on the share

Ticker symbol IOS
Stock Exchange Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Stock exchange segment Regulated Market (Prime Standard)
Index SDAX
Class of share Registered ordinary shares
Sharecount 140,000,000
Issue date 08.02.2023
Issue Price EUR 18.50

Shareholder Structure

United Internet 63.8 %
Warburg Pincus 21.2 %
Own shares 0.4 %
Freefloat 14.6 %

as of June 30, 2024
Total positons, based on the most recent notification of voting rights in accordance with Sections 33 ff. of the German Securities Trading Act. Accordingly, only voting rights notifications that have reached at least the first notification threshold of 3% are taken into account. Without deduction of non-voting treasury shares from the share capital.