IONOS Group SE with Q1 2024 results and confirmation of guidance for 2024

  • + 200,000 customers to 6.26 million (Q1 2023: 6.06 million customers)
  • + 5.4% sales to € 373.0 million (Q1 2023: € 353.8 million)
  • + 22.7% adjusted EBITDA to € 105.8 million (Q1 2023: € 86.2 million)
  • Guidance for 2024 confirmed

Karlsruhe / Berlin, 08 May 2024: IONOS Group SE, the leading European digitalization partner for small and medium-sized enterprises, has made a successful start to the 2024 financial year. In addition to the positive development of revenue and earnings in the first three months of 2024, the number of customers also increased by around 200,000 to 6.26 million. 

In the first quarter, sales increased by 5.4% to €373.0 million (Q1 2023: €353.8 million). Adjusted EBITDA increased significantly in the first three months of 2024, rising 22.7% yoy to € 105.8 million (Q1 2023: € 86.2 million). The adjusted EBITDA margin increased to 28.4% (Q1 2023: 24.4%). 

Due to the successful start to the 2024 financial year, IONOS is confirming its guidance for 2024 and 2025. For the 2024 financial year, the company is planning currency-adjusted sales growth of around 11% (2023: € 1.423 billion). The adjusted EBITDA margin is expected to be around 28.5% (2023: 27.4%), resulting in adjusted EBITDA of around € 450 million (2023: € 390.3 million).

For 2025, IONOS plans to maintain its strong sales growth and further increase the adjusted EBITDA margin to around 30%.


Key figures Q1 2024